

  About me: Hello, my is Kai Rong. I am a year 2 student in Singapore Polytechnic studying Chemical Engineering. To tell you more about myself, i am a interesting person. For instead, i lie on my bed all the time because i am in-to-resting (pun intended). Jokes aside, i like watching shows in my free time ranging from dramas to variety show from Korea, China or American.  My Personal Goals: 2 personal goals that i wish to achiveve in CP5070 module by the end of the semester includes: 1. I want to master the skill of 3D printing. To master the skill of 3D printing, i have to go through the the lesson on 3D printing to acquire to knowledge on 3D printing before going to the practical to acquire the technical skills at the same time clarifying any doubts i have along the way.  I must take iniative to take on hands on activity as well. I will know whether i have accomplished this goal because, if i have, by the end of the semester, i am able to create objects via 3D printing independantly